Tropical Climate Variability & Coral Reefs
DFG Priority Programme (SPP 2299)
A Past to Future Perspective on Current Rates of Change at Ultra-High Resolution
COORDINATOR: Thomas Felis, MARUM, University of Bremen
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Miriam Pfeiffer, Kiel University (CAU)
About the SPP 2299
SPP 2299, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) for six years (2022-2028), aims to improve our understanding of tropical marine climate variability and its impacts on coral reef ecosystems in a warming world. This will be accomplished by quantifying climate and environmental changes both during the current warming and during past warm periods on time scales relevant to society.
SPP 2299 has a very strong interdisciplinary focus and combines expertise in climate, environmental and ecosystem research. More than 40 scientists from ten universities, three Helmholtz Centres, one Max-Planck Institute and one Leibniz Centre are involved. The 19 funded projects of the first three-year funding period (2022-2025) started in the summer of 2022.